RIPPLES, the THEME of this WEBPAGE in honor and for the Causes of Beatification and Canonization of Venerable Francisca del Espiritu Santo de Fuentes, or as we fondly call her - MOTHER FRANCISCA, epitomizes her life of faithful fulfillment to her very words, “GOD CAN NOT BE RESISTED”. The magnificent love and mercy of God stirred her life and deeply penetrated through her soul to forget herself and offered her all for His service.
By God's unfathomable design, His hands work providentially to fulfill His plan through this self-effacing Servant, as in Milicia de Jesucristo, Fr. Francisco Gainza, OP wrote: " ...from early childhood, it had already been known what could have been expected of her on reaching maturity, for even when she was still very young, she had already displayed a precocious modesty, an edifying composure, a sort of prudence superior to young age, a tender devotion to God and a vivid desire not to offend Him Whom she loved even before she got acquainted with earthly vanities..."(Positio, p.30).
Her pursuit of spiritual perfection through dedicated prayers and charitable works to the poor sick and the young, rippled through the heart and souls of other women in her time. Her life influenced theirs to make a difference in the society and people they live with.
Mother Francisca hurdled all forms of trials: come to think of how much she could have suffered from the setback of losing her husband and being left childless at a young age; how with courageous persistence she dealt with the opposition from both ecclesial and state authorities during the advent of the establishment of her first community to the foundation of the Beaterio; how her prudence as the appointed prioress and her fidelity to the Rule were tested by her very own sisters at Sta. Potenciana until their return to the Beaterio after more than two years of exile; how she stood up firm and unperturbed by cultural negativism and criticisms in her decisions that concern the Beatas and the Beaterio in her unwavering desire to build a passageway for her community to gain access to the Blessed Sacrament in the Church of Letran.
Finally, towards the twilight of her missionary life on earth, having worn out by her acts of perpetual mortification and mortal fatigue to securely give a solid establishment of the Beaterio, her corporal frame deteriorates but her spirit continues to edify persons around her especially her confessor, Fr. Juan de Sto. Domingo.
Mother Francisca returned to her Creator with heroic resignation and humility on August 24, 1711, on the feast of St. Bartholomew, and was buried with all solemnity in the Church of San Juan de Letran. Her tomb was over the steps of the Main Altar, on the side of the Gospel.
As the Theological Commission wrote in her Positio – “A Woman of Great Faith, Resolute Hope and Steadfast Love: A Woman for our Times... “, this Venerable Woman left a living legacy of her love of God and neighbor, the RIPPLE effect of God's love and mercy which continues vigorously as ever this day to create ripples of their own, from - the Beatas of the Beaterio de Santa Catalina de Sena to her sisters of the now - Congregation of Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena, Philippines, in their active ministries to the young, the sick and the poor.
Official SiteFoundress, Congregation of Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena, Philippinesof Venerable Mother Francisca del Espiritu Santo de Fuentes
We are committed to achieve our main goal, and that is, to work or the canonization of our Foundress, Mother Francisca del Espiritu Santo. And since our task is not that easy, we see to it that we always instill in us the virtues of perseverance, sacrifice, and humility.
It all began when we the LMAMFES, were called for a meeting by our spiritual directress and MFC Chairman. We did not have the slightest idea what the meeting was about until we were told by inspiration that we were chosen to be the first group of the Lay Missionary Association of Mother Francisca del Espiritu Santo. Thus, we were installed last October 8, 2000.
We all knew for a fact that it is no joke being a member of the LMAMFES. And so before our installation, we underwent eight weeks of formation in preparation for our worthy cause. The . formation process included . reading and further understanding "God's Word" and studying "The Breve". We also had several group sharings which allowed us to impart to others how we live our mysteries and virtues in our daily lives.
The LMAMFES are composed of adults who may be single, married, or professionals. We have promised to commit ourselves to the goal of introducing and praying for the canonization of Mother Francisca del Espiritu Santo de Fuentes. Many have testified that through their devotion to Mother Francisca, spiritual, financial, and even physical favors were granted to them.
Soon after we were installed, we began visiting the bishops and priests of the different Vicariates to allow us to introduce Mother Francisca del Espiritu de Fuentes in their respective parishes/churches. Prayer cards and posters about Mother Francisca were also distributed to the parishioners. As of this writing, we have already gone through several churches in Quezon City , Makati, and Manila; afterwhich we are planning to introduce Mother Francisca to the provinces all over the Philippines.
We are committed to achieve our main goal, and that is, to work on the canonization of our Foundress, Mother Francisca del Espiritu Santo de Fuentes. And since our task is not that easy, we see to it that we always instill in us the virtues of perseverance, sacrifice, and humility.
Experiences we encounter with Parish Priests and Bishops , boost our ego to be more brave in facing difficulties, discouragement and frustrations. We try our very best to face every person from different walks of life in order to win their hearts for them to eventually accept and believe in Mother Francisca,
Pope John Paul n in his Apostolic Constitution "The Divine Teacher and Model of Perfection" states that Jesus gave the commandment to all His disciples to imitate the perfection of the Father and He sends upon all the Holy Spirit, who might inspire them from within to love God with their whole heart and to love one another as He Himself loved them.
In all times, God chooses from these many who, following more closely joined to us in Christ and has venerated them, together with the Blessed Virgin Mary and the holy Angels, with special devotion, devoutly imploring the aid of their intercession. To these, are added others who have imitated more closely Christ way of life outstanding in practice of Christian virtues and whose divine charisms commended them to the pious devotion of, and imitation by the faithful.
The Congregation of Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena believes that its Foundress, Mother Francisca del Espiritu Santo (Francisca de Fuentes) lived a life of Virtue that is of significance for the Church in the third millennium. On the occasion of its 3rd centenary formal foundation in 1996, the Congregation felt inspired to spread the knowledge and veneration of the life and charism of Mother Francisca thus promote her Cause for Beatification
1. The Sisters of the Congregation are making an effort to live out and promote the life and virtues of Mother Francisca 2. The schools of the Congregation have organized for students a "Confraternity of Mother Francisca " (COMFES) in all levels. 3. But, there is a need to promote more intensively and extensively the life, virtues and charism of Mother Francisca among the parents and friends of the Sisters and schools of the Congregation. 4. And there is a need to share Mother Francisca to the general public.
1. to deepen the awareness and knowledge of people about the life and virtues of Mother Francisca 2. to inspire and provide opportunities for people to follow Jesus through the example of the virtuous life of Mother Francisca. . 3. to serve as instruments in promoting and spreading the life and reputation of sanctity of Mother Francisca. 4. To encourage people to pray for the intercession of Mother Francisca.
5. To be partners with the Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena (Philippines) in continuing Mother francisca's service of charity to the sick, the poor and the young.
• Single or married (couples are encouraged) • Female or Male • Practicing Catholic • Willing to commit to the ideals of the Association of the LMAMFES
I) A Parish, a School or a Sisters' Community initiates a MOTHER FRANClSCA CLUSTER of 15 members. (in imitation of the origjnal number of Beatas in honor of the 15 mysteries.
a) each of these first 15 members of the MOTHER FRANClSCA CLUSTER is called "HERMANA /0" (a Spanish word for Sister or Brother). b) each of the Hermana or Hermano of the MOTHER FRANCISCA CLUSTER will be known by a virtue that Mother Francisca had manifested in her life. Ex: Charity: This can be done by drawing lots. (See list of suggested virtues).
2) The LMAMFES candidates will go through a formation after which they will be installed as official LMAMFES.
3) each installed 15 LMAMFES belonging to the MOTHER FRANClSCA CLUSTER invites anew LMAMFES member to form a Mother Francisca CHAPLET of 15. The MF CHAPLET (15 new candidates) will also carry a virtue and a mystery after her/his name. Once the CHAPLET of 15 new official LMAMFES installed, in turn each invites 1 candidate to form 15 new members to form another MF Chaplet. The process continues as many as 5 MF Chaplets to form a MOTHER FRANCISCA CHAPTER.
4) the LMAMFES members belonging to the Mother Francisca CHAPLET will be called "Hermanita/o". (Spanish word for Little Sister or Brother)
5) each of the 15 founding Members belonging to the MOTHER FRANCISCA CLUSTER renders the following service:
a) is responsible for the Mother Francisca CHAPLETS. b) guides the MF Chaplet Hermanitas and Hermanitos in their needs as LMAMFES.
6) the 5 Mother Francisca CHAPLETS makes a MOTHER FRANCISCA CHAPTER. There should have the following officers: HERMANA/O is the MF CLUSTER Coordinator; Among the Hermanitas and Hermanitos of the MF Chaplets there should have: an Hermanita/o Chair; Hmnta. Vice Chair; Hrmnta Secretary ; Hmnta Finance; Hmnta. Public Relations Officer.
7) the LMAMFES once officially installed now join the CLUSTER in regular Beaterios (meetings -twice a month).
8) The installed LMAMFES are guided by the Spiritual Adviser and Directress.
To be formed in the spirit of Jesus following the examples of Mother Francisca the following activities are offered:
I) Initial Formation: 8 Beaterios (meetings) -study and reflection on the life and virtues of Mother Francisca rooted in the life and teaching of Jesus as inspired by the life of Sts. Dominic and Catherine of Siena.
2) after the initial formation of 8 Beaterios -members will be officially installed as LMAMFES in a Eucharistic Celebration and be conferred with a Mother Francisca Pin. Here EACH MEMBER TAKES a MYSTERY to be added to her / his name. Ex:
To be formed in the spirit of Jesus following the examples of Mother Francisca the following activities are offered:
I) Initial Formation: 8 Beaterios (meetings) -study and reflection on the life and virtues of Mother Francisca rooted in the life and teaching of Jesus as inspired by the life of Sts. Dominic and Catherine of Siena.
2) after the initial formation of 8 Beaterios -members will be officially installed as LMAMFES in a Eucharistic Celebration and be conferred with a Mother Francisca Pin. Here EACH MEMBER TAKES a MYSTERY to be added to her / his name. Ex: Maria Garcia de la Resurreccion
3) each of the 15 installed LMAMFES MOTHER FRANClSCA CLUSTER will now invite new members to form a MOTHER Francisca CHAPLET of 15.
4) Twice a month -(The CLUSTER decides the days) the installed LMAMFES MOTHER FRANClSCA CLUSTER and CHAPLETS come together for the BEATERIO. The activities of the BEATERIO are the ff:
a ) to listen to the Word of God and ~ on how one has lived it during the month in the spirit of Mother Francisca and exemplified by St. Dominic and St. Catherine of Siena. b) to be refreshed on the life and virtues of Mother Francisca in the light of the Gospel c ) to share each other's testimony d) to celebrate the Eucharist: (one of the two beaterios) e) to offer "a bread for the sick and the needy" f) to distribute to the sick and the needy what were offered previously (the group may decide the date and the place) g) to share about Mother Francisca during the visits
5) Once a month: Join the Sisters' Community
First Sunday of the Month for Morning Prayers First Sunday Mass Visit the sick in hospitals or in any place
6) Once a week
a) other than Sunday, the LMAMFES participates in the celebration of theEucharist in any Parish Church b) the LMAMFES makes an hour adoration in any Parish Adoration Chapel
7) Annuallv on August 24- Mother Francisca's death anniversary
a) 2 to 3:00 in the morning all LMAMFES gather for an hour adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. This was the hour that Mother Francisca died. During this hour the group prays especially for peace throughout the world. (the group can select the venue -in any adoration chapel or in the school.) b ) 9 :00- 12 :00 in the morning - visit to the sick and the poor c) 3:00 in the afternoon -Celebration of the Holy Mass. It was around this time that Mother Francisca was buried in the Church of San Juan de Letran with all possible solemnity .She was the first to be buried there. Her tomb was over the steps of the main altar on the Gospel side. d) July 27 to August 23 -a month offering: "a bread for the sick and the poor"
a) Pray the Prayer for Mo!her Francisca b) Pray for the Missions and for Asia. c) Pray the Rosary (this may be prayed in parts during the day and with a special intention for each decade ) d) Meditate on the Mysterv and Virtue chosen.
1. Recruit LMAMFES 2. to Propagatedevotion to Mother Francisca -in parish Churches, schools and various Church and civic organizations (talks and distribute leaflets, prayer cards, posters and other Mother Francisca materials. 3. Sharein the charism of Mother Francisca to the sick, the poor and the young rooted in the Gospel as exemplified by Jesus as inspired by St. Dominic, St. Catherine of Siena. 4. may volunteer for the mission ad gentes (to non-Christians): ad intra (within) or ad extra ( without) . 6. Pray. for each other and for all government leaders that they allow themselves to be led by the Holy Spirit in all their plans, decisions and implementation so that they govern the country in the spirit of service of justice, peace, and devotion.