RIPPLES, the THEME of this WEBPAGE in honor and for the Causes of Beatification and Canonization of Venerable Francisca del Espiritu Santo de Fuentes, or as we fondly call her - MOTHER FRANCISCA, epitomizes her life of faithful fulfillment to her very words, “GOD CAN NOT BE RESISTED”. The magnificent love and mercy of God stirred her life and deeply penetrated through her soul to forget herself and offered her all for His service.
By God's unfathomable design, His hands work providentially to fulfill His plan through this self-effacing Servant, as in Milicia de Jesucristo, Fr. Francisco Gainza, OP wrote: " ...from early childhood, it had already been known what could have been expected of her on reaching maturity, for even when she was still very young, she had already displayed a precocious modesty, an edifying composure, a sort of prudence superior to young age, a tender devotion to God and a vivid desire not to offend Him Whom she loved even before she got acquainted with earthly vanities..."(Positio, p.30).
Her pursuit of spiritual perfection through dedicated prayers and charitable works to the poor sick and the young, rippled through the heart and souls of other women in her time. Her life influenced theirs to make a difference in the society and people they live with.
Mother Francisca hurdled all forms of trials: come to think of how much she could have suffered from the setback of losing her husband and being left childless at a young age; how with courageous persistence she dealt with the opposition from both ecclesial and state authorities during the advent of the establishment of her first community to the foundation of the Beaterio; how her prudence as the appointed prioress and her fidelity to the Rule were tested by her very own sisters at Sta. Potenciana until their return to the Beaterio after more than two years of exile; how she stood up firm and unperturbed by cultural negativism and criticisms in her decisions that concern the Beatas and the Beaterio in her unwavering desire to build a passageway for her community to gain access to the Blessed Sacrament in the Church of Letran.
Finally, towards the twilight of her missionary life on earth, having worn out by her acts of perpetual mortification and mortal fatigue to securely give a solid establishment of the Beaterio, her corporal frame deteriorates but her spirit continues to edify persons around her especially her confessor, Fr. Juan de Sto. Domingo.
Mother Francisca returned to her Creator with heroic resignation and humility on August 24, 1711, on the feast of St. Bartholomew, and was buried with all solemnity in the Church of San Juan de Letran. Her tomb was over the steps of the Main Altar, on the side of the Gospel.
As the Theological Commission wrote in her Positio – “A Woman of Great Faith, Resolute Hope and Steadfast Love: A Woman for our Times... “, this Venerable Woman left a living legacy of her love of God and neighbor, the RIPPLE effect of God's love and mercy which continues vigorously as ever this day to create ripples of their own, from - the Beatas of the Beaterio de Santa Catalina de Sena to her sisters of the now - Congregation of Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena, Philippines, in their active ministries to the young, the sick and the poor.
Official SiteFoundress, Congregation of Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena, Philippinesof Venerable Mother Francisca del Espiritu Santo de Fuentes
Test YourselfKNOWWELLMother FranciscaIt won't take much time.
What is the main source and complete title of the manuscript from where we are given a comprehensive knowledge of the life, virtues and fame of sanctity of Mother Francisca?
Breve Relacion de la Fundacion y Progreso del Beaterio de Santa Catalina de Sena de esta ciudad de Manila, hecha y escrita por el P. Fray Juan de Santo Domingo, por cuyos cuidados paso todo, Octobre 28, 1711.
Who were the 4 pious women known to have given good example to the city of Manila as mentioned in the Breve?
Francisca del Espiritu Santo (de Fuentes), Antonia Esguerra de Jesus Maria, Sebastiana Salcedo de Jesus (a native of Pasig) and Maria Ana de la Vega (a Cibuana)
In which Church did these 4 pious women frequented the Sacraments?
The Church of Santo Domingo
Which state of life did Francisca first embrace?
married state
When she became a widow, how did Francisca spend her life?
in prayer and service to the poor and the sick.
Why the habit of a Dominican Tertiary or that of a Franciscan?
Dominican- because she would frequent the Sacraments in Sto. Domingo and
Franciscan- because she was named after St. Francis.
What inspiration did Francisca express persistently to Fr. Juan de Santo Domingo?
to live in community in a beaterio.
For Fr. Juan de Santo Domingo her persistence was unreasonable thus labeled her as __ ?
With deep faith and trust in God, what was the answer of Mother Francisca?
“Father Prior, the Beaterio will be constructed and your reverence will see it.”
When was the formal establishment of the Beaterio de Santa Catalina?
July 26, 1696 with the profession of Mother Francisca and the other 7 Beatas.
What led to the excommunication of Mother Francisca and the Beatas by the Archbishop of Manila, Don Diego Camacho?
A conflict over a canonical matter over jurisdiction between the Archbishop of Manila and the Dominican Order.
Within the 2 years of exile, the King ordered declarations from the Superiors of the Religious Orders and the Officials of the City of Manila about the existence of the Beaterio. All except one Superior disapproved. What was the reaction of Mother Francisca?
She humbly said: GOD CANNOT BE RESISTED.
Before returning to the Beaterio from Sta. Potenciana, what did Mother Francisca and the Beatas request the Archbishop in writing?
to allow them to have a large number of young native girls to live with them in the enclosure of the Beaterio to educate them in the faith and perfection of Christian life.
Upon arrival in the Beaterio, what did Mother Francisca intensely desire to have in the Chapel of the Beaterio which she asked from the Provincial and the Archbishop?
to have the Blessed Sacrament
When her request was denied, what did she do?
she did not stop asking but this time she asked instead to build a passageway from the Beaterio to the Choir loft of the Church of Colegio de San Juan de Letran.
What response did she get from the Provincial?
she again was denied but she waited for the new Provincial and the new Archbishop.
What was the response of the new Provincial and the Archbishop to her request about having a passageway connecting the Beaterio to the Choir of the Church of Colegio de San Juan de Letran?
Both approved of building a passageway connecting the Beaterio to the Choir of the Church of San Juan de Letran.
Who took charge of the construction of the Passageway?
Fr. Juan de Sto. Domingo, who first disapproved the project.
When was the newly renovated Choir loft blessed with a solemn Celebration of the Mass?
on the Feast of St. Thomas Aquinas on March 7, 1710. Everybody was happy especially Mother Francisca.
How was the physical condition of Mother Francisca after the inauguration of the Choir loft where the Beatas would come to pray and celebrate the Holy Mass?
the health of Mother Francisca started to decline.
When Mother Francisca could not anymore come to the Choir for the Holy Mass what step did Fr. Juan de Santo Domingo take for Mother?
He celebrated Mass in her room.
After Fr. Juan de Sto. Domingo gave her the Viaticum with solemnity given in the Dominican Order, Mother asking pardon from all her daughters and Fr. Juan de Santo Domingo what did he urge Mother Francisca to do next?
To forgive those who offended her.
What was the response of Mother Francisca to Fr. Santo Domingo?
When Fr. Juan de Sto. Domingo insisted and she has to do so in a loud voice what was Mother Francisca’s response?
How did Fr. Juan de Sto. Domingo describe Mother Francisca every time she receives Jesus in Holy Communion?
She received Jesus with supreme joy.
When was Mother Francisca born to eternal life?
On August 24, 1711 between 2:00 and 3:00 in the morning.
When and where was she buried?
She was buried in the afternoon with all solemnity and her tomb was over the steps of the Main Altar on the Gospel side in the Church of Colegio de San Juan de Letran.