The primary objective of the formation process is to prepare people for the total consecration of themselves to God in the following of Christ, at the service of the Church's mission. To say "yes to the Lord's call taking personal responsibility for maturing in one's vocation is the inescapable duty of all who have been called. One's whole life must be open to the action of the Holy Spirit, traveling the road of formation with generosity, and accepting in faith the means of grace offered by the Lord and the Church (VC 65 par.1). This is achievet through the training of the mind, education of the will and formation to a way of life.
The training and formation to the religious life is fundamentally one, although marked out in successive stages as Pre Novitiate, Novitiate and Juniorate. It is the way in which the candidate progressively deepens her baptismal commitment and specifies her Christian vocation as a Dominican Sister, process is to the manner laid down in our Constitutions, Directory and Manual on Formation.