1. Mother Francisca del Espiritu Santo lived 300 years ago. Little has been done to make her life and works known to all.
2. Today there is emphasis put on women's issue: dignityof women, rights of women, equality, etc. Mother Francisca yesterday is the woman today, for she lived a life that was counter-culture of her time.
3. PCP II and PCM II underscore the empowerment of laity. Mother Francisca, the widow, the tertiary and the foundress of a Congregation for the Philippines is a model for the laity.
4. The Beaterio de Santa Catalina de Sena in Intramuros which she founded
1. Mother Francisca del Espiritu Santo lived 300 years ago. Little has been done to make her life and works known to all.
2. Today there is emphasis put on women's issue: dignityof women, rights of women, equality, etc. Mother Francisca yesterday is the woman today, for she lived a life that was counter-culture of her time.
3. PCP II and PCM II underscore the empowerment of laity. Mother Francisca, the widow, the tertiary and the foundress of a Congregation for the Philippines is a model for the laity.
4. The Beaterio de Santa Catalina de Sena in Intramuros which she founded in the 17th century still exists today and is known as the Congregation of Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena, a sign of her holiness of life.
5. Mother Francisca dedicated her life to the YOUTH, the SICK and the POOR. These people and conditions still exists in our time and in our country.