As Dominicans, we are called to continue to preach the Good News of salvation in a world that is filled with opportunities but also lacks meaning and abounds in suffering. We live in a society that abounds in pleasure but lacks meaning, abounds in means but lacks purpose, abounds in politics but lacks mysticism. There exists a cultural wave of secularism and the abandoning of what is transcendent which puts people, especially the young ones, in the risk of losing the meaning of life (cf. Acts of the General Chapter of Rome 2010).
If we are to be faithful to the heritage of St. Dominic, St. Catherine of Siena and our Foundress, Mother Francisca del Espiritu Santo de Fuentes, we must be responsive to the needs, hopes, desires and aspirations of our people. Today this would mean we have to live in solidarity with the poor and to work for justice and peace and the integrity of creation. We need to have an active involvement in catechesis and lay formation. "We are challenged to bear witness to the Gospel through the communications media in order to speak effectively of Christ to our contemporaries, interpreting their joys and hopes, their grief and anxieties and thus contributing to the building up of a society in which all people sense that they are brothers and sisters making their way to God" (VC, 99). We are also called to heed the call of evangelization to mission areas in different parts of the world with special preference to non-Christian Asian countries.
The OP-SIENA school apostolate, guided by its motto, "Passion for Truth and Compassion for Humanity", and inspired by the unique charism of St.Dominic de Guzman, St. Catherine of Siena and VEnerable Mother Francisca del Espiritu Santo de Fuentes, provides access to quality Catholic, Filipino, Dominican Education that promotes the integral formation of the human person in the context of the four pillars of Dominican life: prayer, study, service and common life.
Acts of the 13th General Chapter, par 2, p.25
Quezon Street, Brgy. Maligaya, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan, Philippines 5300
(048)433-2061 / 433-216
Constitution #s B.86, C.87