How WELL do youKNOWMother Francisca?
A. Some of these Beatas were: Mother Francisca del Espiritu Santo, Mother Antonia de Jesus Esguerra Fuentes, Mother Sebastiana de Jesus and Mother Maria Ana de Vega.
a. Mother Francisca was born in Manila in1647 of Don Simon de Fuentes and Doña Ana Maria Tamayo del Castillo. She got married at a young age,widowed and childless after a brief marriage. She devoted her life to mental and vocal prayer, penance and acts of charity to the young, the sick and the poor. She was the foundress and the first prioress of the Beaterio.
b. Mother Antonia was alively and multi-talented woman. After her husband’s death, she started to confess and recieve Holy Communion more frequently and made penance with austerity. She was one of the foundresses of the Beaterio.
c. Mother Sebastiana de Jesus was a native Filipina of indigenous parents, who known for her holiness of life.
d. Mother Maria Ana de la Vega was the daughter of “ Cebuana” a young maiden but mature in wisdom and demeanor, an angel in life and in death.
A. They were called Beatas because they were considered blessed, or gifted by God with a holy inspirtaion to live a life of piety and charity for the love of God and neighbor..
Their desire was made known to their confessors, Father Juan de Sta. Maria, O.P. prior of the convent of Sto. Domingo and Father Bartolome Marron, O.P, ex- Prior who sent their petition to the master General of the order through the chapter of the Dominican Province of the Holy Rosary.
It was signed on January 11, 1688 by Fr. Antonio Cloche, O.P Master General of the Order. It was given at the convent of Sta. Maria dela Minerva in Rome.
I was mentioned that the House of Sister was to be incorportaed to the Dominican Order with all the rights privileges, immunities, concessions and all others of any kind whatsoever that the House and convents of the Sisters of the third Order, by right or by grants from the Supreme Pontiffs,the Kings and Princess, use and ought to possess, enjoy and exercise.
They were allowed to live together in the house of one Maria Garcia, as designated by Fr. Juan de Sta. Maria. The house was located in front of the belfry of the Convent of Sto. Domingo. However, they did not stay there for long because it was bought with the funds of the chaplains for their use. The Beatas returned to their own houses.
She prophesied that the Beaterio will be established near the convent of Sto. Domingo and both of them will not witness the fulfillment.
Father Juan de Sto. Domingo, O.P. was elected prior of the convent of Sto. Domingo in 1690.
He came to know the Beatas’ desire from Fr. Juan de Sta. Maria when he was elected Prior of Sto. Domingo.
Fr. Juan de Sto. Domingo was opposed to the idea of establishing a Beaterio because the Beatas were financially poor. They did not have enough resources to maintain a convent and sustain themselves.
Mother Francisca proposed that the house of on Doña Clemencia de Nevada which entrusted in her last will to Fr. Juan de Sto. Domingo be converted into a Beaterio. However he did not agree to the idea.
Fr. Juan de Sto. Domingo got angry when Mother Francisca pressed him again about the Beaterio, one day after confession he told her that she was impertinent and did not give weight to reason.
With courageous tone Mother Francisca said, “ Father Prior, the Beaterio will be constructed and your reverence will see it.”
Mother Francisca was embarrassed and did not say a word.
Understanding the situation, he did not pursue the matter, although he seemed to have been bothered.
Fr. Juan de Sto. Domingo changed his mind when he personally witnesses that the prophecy of Mother Francisca came true. From then on, he helped a lot in the establishment of the Beaterio starting that the Lord willed it.
Mother Antonia had scirrhus ( cancerous tumor). Her dying wish was that her two helpers, Lorenza and Juana dela Trinidad, would be given the habit, practice the spiritual exercises and try to discover if they were qualified to become Beatas of the Order.
He acceded to the request. He stated further that they live with Mother Francisca. They were given the habit after the death of Mother Antonia.
She too prophesied that the Beaterio will be built and that Fr. Juan de Sto. Domingo will see it.
She gave her house to the Beatas. She foresaw the Beaterio as originating from her house. She also gave her stores which she had in the Parian to help in their sustenance, and that of her half-brother as long as he lived.
The First three Beatas who stayed in Mother Antonia’s house were Mother Francisca, Lorenza and Juana de Santisima Trinidad.
Jacinta was a woman of a Spanish- Japanese descent, She was “ very devout and lover of God.” She lived in the house of Maria de Olivia, a relative, but desired to become a Beata.
Fr. Juan de Sto. Domingo refused to accept her because he knew that Mother Francisca did not have enough means to support another beata
Fr. Juan de Sto. Domingo told her that she would be accepted if Mother Francisca receives her. Since Mother Francisca knew her well she was accepted and became the fourth beata.
Rosa was the beautiful and virtuous daughter of Captain Bartolome Prieto. Captain Prieto took her away from Sta. Potenciana because he wanted her to get married
No instead, she went to the Beaterio to join the Beatas.
They had recourse to Fr. Domingo de Valencia, the Vicar- General of the Bishop.
Under threat of excommunication, he told the Captain Prieto to do what was prudent and christian.
Captain Prieto refused to obey, He visited Fr. Juan de Sto. Domingo hoping that through his help he would be able to persuade his daughter to leave the Beaterio and get married.
Rosa asked for the protection and told Father Provincial that she would like to be married to Christ in perpetual chastity. Mother Francisca praised her for being humble and a lover of mental prayer.
The Father Provincial told him that he could not in conscience obstruct his daughter’s wish neither could he deny assisting her in serving God.
Captain Bartome Prieto threatened that he would never go to the convent of the Dominican Friars again.
He prophesied that within a month he would return and ask permission to see Rosa.
Yes. He Had a change of herat when Rosa recieved tha habit. He asked forgiveness for his offenses and discourtesies to the Father Provincial.
When he visited his daughter and his daughter kissed his hand embraced him, he cried with joy.
Fr. Juan de Sto. Domingo instructed the Procurator to buy the house which was adjoined to the house of the Beatas
The renovation and fixing of the Beaterio was paid by Fr. Juan de Sto. Domingo, Provincial of the Holy Rosary Province.
She ordered that the Rosary be prayed by the community in the morning, and at one o’clock during the day followed by mental prayer which would last until 3:00. The Beatas would also rise at midnight for mental prayer.
The girls from Colegio de Sta. Isabel were refuse due to lack of funds of the Beaterio.
Fr. Juan de Sto. Domingo wrote the Rules and Constitutions of the Beaterio.
The Rules and Constitutions of the Beatas were taken from the General Ordinances of the Holy Rosary Province, Constitutions of the Nuns of the Third Order and from the inspiration of God.
On July 26, 1696, Feast of St. Anne, the Beatas professed the vows of obedience, poverty and chastity after Fr. Gregorio Giraldez read to them the Rules and the Constitutions and the manner of professing the vows. This marked the foundation of the Beaterio.
It was called Beaterio de Sta. Catalina because of the devotion of Fr. Juan de Sto. Domingo to St. Catherine of Siena.
Mother Francisca del Espiritu Santo was appointed prioress by Fr. Juan de Sto. Domingo.
Mother Francisca was appointed prioress for life.
Venia is a ritual used in the Dominican Order to ask for forgiveness, comply with a penalty and accept a nomination for an office or acknowledge the authority of an incoming superior.
They attended mass as a community in the convent of Sto. Domingo. They placed their prie-dieus in the chapel of St. Rose where they prayed togethter.
They receive Holy communion twice a month, during Advent and Lent. In the course of the week they did not go to the church except those who, with permission, frequented Holy Communion.
The number was to honor the fifteen mysteries of the Holy Rosary.
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