a. Mother Francisca was born in Manila in1647 of Don Simon de Fuentes and Doña Ana Maria Tamayo del Castillo. She got married at a young age,widowed and childless after a brief marriage. She devoted her life to mental and vocal prayer, penance and acts of charity to the young, the sick and the poor. She was the foundress and the first prioress of the Beaterio.
b. Mother Antonia was alively and multi-talented woman. After her husband’s death, she started to confess and recieve Holy Communion more frequently and made penance with austerity. She was one of the foundresses of the Beaterio.
c. Mother Sebastiana de Jesus was a native Filipina of indigenous parents, who known for her holiness of life.
d. Mother Maria Ana de la Vega was the daughter of “ Cebuana” a young maiden but mature in wisdom and demeanor, an angel in life and in death.