The Congregation of Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena, Philippines ispart of theDominican Family. Its ideal is expressed in the motto: "Contemplata aliistradere" translated today as "Passion for Truth and Compassion for Humanity". St. Catherine of Siena whose life is an embodiment of this ideal is the patroness of the Congregation.
The Beaterio de Sta. Catalina de Sena was conceived as early as 1682 with the meeting of Mother Sebastiana de Santa Maria, Mother Antonia Esguerra and Mother Francisca de Fuentes. That meeting “marked the beginning of the religious life in community” such that when the Beaterio was formally inaugurated on July 26, 1696 in Intramuros, Manila it became the”first Philippine religious community” (Nick Joaquin, “Beatas of the 17th Century Manila).
The foundress, Mother Francisca del Espiritu Santode Fuentes was its first Prioress. She lived a life of compassionate ministering towards the sick, the poor and the young.
In the spirit of sharing in the Dominican Order’s work of evangelization, it became a Beaterio-Colegio where young native girls were educated in good doctrine and Christian life on March 3, 1706.
It is with gratitude that the Dominican Province of the Holy Rosary is remembered for its significant role in bringing about the birth of the Beaterio. The Congregation also acknowledges the collaborative efforts and important roles of the following persons in the foundation of the Beaterio:
Rev. Fr. Juan de Santo Domingo,OP
Rev.Fr .Juan de Santa Maria, OP
M. Sebastiana de Jesus (de Sta. Maria)
M. Antonia Esguerra
Don Juan de Escano (Dominican Tertiary)
The First Beatas
The Beaterio became a Congregation with Diocesan right on October 15, 1933 and raised to a pontifical status with the decree on May 25, 1970.
Today the Congregation is engaged in the work of evangelization through the apostolate in education, health care, spirituality centers and other related ministries such as catechetical work, lay formation, out-reach projects for the poor and social communications here and abroad.
Constitutions pp.1-2