Photography came only in 1863 and therefore there are no original photos of the Servant of God from infancy until her death in 1711 can be found. The images of persons especially related to her were products of the artists’ inspiration. Importantly the images drawn or carved were based on the names that appear in various documents.
Some interested individuals and groups with a strong sense of history took notes on events and photos of places, civil and religious institutions and Churches that existed as early as the 17th century and still have traces of the original forms. These historical records are now utilized in various research studies. Thus, the photos exhibited are found in various history books, annals, periodicals, etc.
The portrait is an edited or restored copy of the photograph featured in the book written by Francisco Gainza, OP in 1859. The photo was originally a drawing or engraving of the Artist, Carlos Borromeo in1853.
Drawing or engraving by Carlos Borromeo in Fr. Francisco Gainza, OP's, Milicia de Jesucristo, Manila 1859. Used as the official portrait of Mother Francisca as it is identified as closest image to her time
Drawing by an unknown artist in La Ilustracion Filipina, periodical, Manila 1893 , National Library, Manila
( Copia Publica, P II, Doc. IV, 3) Painting ordered made by the “ex-alumnas” of Colegio de Santa Catalina, Intramuros (artist unknown). Reproduced in Sister Ma. Cruz Rich, O.P., Apuntes Historicos, Manila 1939 in Sta. Catalina College, Legarda, Hallway
(Copia PublicaP II, Doc. IV, 4) Drawing by unknown artist in the Second Edition of Gainza’s Milicia de Jesucristo, Manila 1916.
(Copia Publica P II, Doc. IV, 5) Painting patterned after the 1911 done by Sr. Victoria Flores, OP. Mother Francisca kneeling before a crucifix in a vision of Sts. Dominic and Francis as narrated by Fr. Juan de Santo Domingo in the Breve Relación. Now displayed at the Museum, Sta. Catalina Convent, Quezon City.
(Copia Publica, P II, Doc. IV, 6) Painting or drawing in the article of Nick Joaquin, “The Beatas in the 17th century Manila”, in Philippine Free Press, December 9, 1967
(Copia Publica, P II, Doc. IV, 7) Mother Francisca holding a Bible with 4 young girls in uniform of Sta. Catalina College, Legarda and Siena College, Q.C. in background. Painted by Ms. Clara de los Santos and displayed at the Museum, Sta. Catalina Convent, Q.C.
(Copia Publica, P II, Doc. IV, 8) Drawing in Students’ Philippine Almanac 1991, p. 333. Background is the façade of a building said to be the Beaterio Text: 1696 Beaterio de Santa Catalina founded in Manila. It was the first religious community of Filipino women.
(Copia Publica, P II, Doc. IV, 9) Reproduction of portrait of 1858 in all prayer cards in different languages and dialects.
(Copia Publica, P II, Doc. IV, 10) Reproduction of painting in Claire Betita-Samson’s “Francisca: Filipina, Beata”. In Today, Weekender, January 22, 1995
(Copia Publica, P II, Doc. IV, 11) The Philippine Postal Corporation issued on April 30, 1996, a commemorative Stamp of Mother Francisca with the old Beaterio as background to commemorate the Tri-Centennial Celebration of the formal Foundation of the Congregation of Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine Of Siena.
(Copia Publica, P II, Doc. IV, 12) Painting reproduced in the cover of Caritas et Missio, Special Issue, Centennial, 1996. Painting by an international prize-winning painter Alfredo D. Esquillo, Jr., a semi-triptych depicting symbolically Mother Francisca, the history, spirit and mission and The apostolic ministries of the Congregation.
(Copia Publica, P II, Doc. IV, 13) Pictorial taken by Mr. Ramon Flores in Mother Francisca exhibit halls in different houses of the Congregation and in the annual Calendars.
Another pictorial by Mr. Flores. It depicts the faithful devotion of Mother Francisca to the Holy Eucharist. Her devotion inspired her to patiently asked and waited to have her petition of having a chapel and with her sisters enjoy the presence of our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament be granted.
This is a commemorative poster produced in the occasionof her tri-centennial death anniversary. At the center is the modified 1994 image with her title Servant of God. Behind is her love for the poor sick and the young and her devotion to the Holy Eucharist. Below her image is the representation of the new Beaterio which is now the Congregation of Dominican Sisters of St.Catherine of Siena, Philippines.
Tricentennial Poster of the Servant of God This posterreminds us, sisters and devotees of the Servant of God of her life and virtues that we ourselves could emulate in loving and following our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Servant of God Mother Francisca inside the spiral of tri-colors, said to be the tri-centennial colors; purple, white and yellow-gold which to this day a reminder of her love of God and love of others. This is used in the suovenir items.
Adapted from the 2011 spiral which is used for the LMAMFES polo shirts in the occasion of Hermandad 2019 and which serves as their casual uniform.
The Official Portrait (2019) of Mother Francisca is used to highlight the theme of Go to Jesus, Grow in Holiness and Glow in Serving the sick, the poor and the young with Mother Francisca, which is deepened by the integration of the logo for synodality theme of the Church: Communion, Participation and Mission.
+15 de Mayo 1708
The older sister of Francisca. She was married to Pedro de Jara. They had 2 children: a son who became a Religious of St. Augustine and a daughter who left Sta. Isabel and got married. She became a widow. She served Sta. Isabel for many years as a portress and rectora. She was among the first who took the habit in the Beaterio. Given the permission she served Sta. Isabel wearing the habit. Later she asked for permission to leave her position and came to the Beaterio. She did not complete two years when she died. Breve Relacion by Fr. Juan de Santo Domingo, 3rd English edition, Quezon City 2003, 47,103-104.
Source: (a) Mother Francisca Commission, 2004. (b) Milicia de Jesucristo by Gaínza, 1859
One of the First Companions of M. Francisca
A widow of Capt. Simon de Fuentes, one of the three first companions of Francisca who frequented the Sacraments at Sto. Domingo Church. She was the companion of Mother Francisca to live in community in the house of María García. She died in 1694 prior to the formal establishment of the Beaterio which she desired in her heart. She bequeathed her house and property in Parian for the maintenance of M.Francisca and the Beatas.
Source: Milicia de Jesucristo by Gaínza, 1859.
A native of Pasig, professed Tertiary of the Order even before the Beaterio was actually established. One of the first 3 companions of Mother Francisca who frequented the Sacraments in Sto. Domingo. Known to have lived an angelic life, marvelous penance, and the total beauty of the sublime virtues of a simple native woman, honor and glory of the Tagalog people and ornament of the Philippine island. She predicted where the Beaterio will stand and the number of Beatas according to the Mysteries of the Rosary. She died on March 15, 1692.
Source: Milicia de Jesucristo by Gaínza, 1859
One of the First Companions of M. Francisca
Image Source : Creation, Mother Francisca Commission 2024
+24 de Mayo 1698
One of the First Companions of M. Francisca
Source: Milicia de Jesucristo by Gaínza, 1859.
+19 de Septiembre 1699
Source: Milicia de Jesucrito, Gainza 18
Source: Edited, Mother Francisca Commission, 2004.
+20 de Agosto 1697
Source: Milicia de Jesucrito, Gainza 1859.
Source: Edited, Mother Francisca Commission, 2004.