God cannot be Resisted




by Msgr. Sabino Vengco



On the Holy Thursday (April 17) of 2003, John Paul gifted the Church with his latest encyclical "Eucharistia". The Church lives and draws her strength and self-identity from the Eucharist. The Eucharist builds the Church. It is the sacrament of divine presence and the summit of and central to all Church activity. To receive the Lord in Holy Communion is the fulfillment of the sacramental encounter, which must be celebrated with proper dignity and reverence. And it is truly expressive of intimacy and helpful toward greater communion to stay in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Francisca del Espiritu Santo together with her early companions Antonia de Jesus Maria Fuentes, Sebastiana
de Jesus, and Maria Ana de la Vega, initially frequented the sacraments in the church of the Convent of Sto. Domingo in Intramuros. In the piety current at the time that means Mass, with Holy Communion every fortnight more or less
upon the permission of the confessor or spiritual directorand frequent, even daily, confession.

An incident illustrates Mother Francisca del Espiritu Santo's great love for the Eucharist. When they finally had their own Beaterio and after their return from exile in Colegio de Sta. Potenciana during the closure, Mother Francisca came up with the intense desire to have the Blessed Sacrament in their chapel. But Archbishop Diego Camacho y Avila refused to grant permission. When the new Archbishop Francisco de la Cuesta arrived the following year, Francisca proposed to the Father Provincial of the Dominicans that a direct passageway be built form the beaterio to the Church of the Colegio de San Juan de Letran. When the idea was turned down, she waited until a new provincial was elected who was favorable to it. But it was still the former Provincial, Fr. Juan de Sto. Domingo, OP, writer of the Breve Relacion (1711) about the Beaterio de Sta. Catalina, who actually built the passageway that gave access for the community of Mother Francisca to the Blessed Sacrament of the San Juan de Letran Church. The ready access meant that through a balcony the whole choir of the church was reserved for the religious women. A communion rail was placed for them, not to mention two confessional boxes with iron gates at the side of the choir



To contemplate and be with Christ in the Eucharist is the Holy Father's call to all the faithful in the Third millennium. And this in Mary's school for prayer, contemplating Christ with Mary. The rediscovery of the treasure that is the Rosary of Mary as the sweet chain linking us to god and as the special instrument of our spiritual nourishment is very vividly exemplified in the life of Mother Francisca del Espiritu Santo.

At the instance of their spiritual adviser Fr. Juan de Sto. Domingo, OP early on in the formation of the group of Mother Francisca, the decision was to have fifteen beatas in honor of the mysteries of the rosary. Each Beata would take a mystery of the Holy Rosary for her own particular devotion. This was in imitation of the same practice remembered by Fr. Sto. Domingo to have been introduced in a convent of Dominican Sisters in the Canary Islands sometime in 1658 by Fr. Pedro de Sta. Maria Olloa, OP. Only later would the priest find out that such was already the idea of Mother Sebastiana, a mystic from Pasig and one of the original companions of Mother.

When the Beaterio de Sta. Catalina was finally built out of the generosity of benefactors and of the Dominican Fathers, at last they have their own oratory. Mother Francisca right away ordered that the Rosary be prayed by the community three times a day: in the morning, early afternoon, and again at midnight. It was the conviction of R. Sto. Domingo that with the help of the Virgin of the Rosary the lack of funds by the Beatas did not prevent their acquisition of the needed resources.

The enriched Rosary of John Paul II with the additional Mysteries of Light would have been a welcome contemplation of the Mysteries of Christ and of the mysteries of Mary for the Mother Francisca del Espiritu Santo, a paradigm for us today of the Christian spirituality that is anchored on the Eucharist and supported by the Rosary of Mary. Let us pray for the causes of the beatification and canonization of this Servant of God, a Filipina Beata.




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