God cannot be Resisted




(excerpt from the Positio of Ven. Mother Francisca Chapter IX, pp 460-470)



This Chapter shows that the Congregation which started as a Beaterio, continues to live up to the spirit of its Foundress, Servant of God Francisca del Espíritu Santo de Fuentes, in her life of contemplation and missionary spirit in the service to the sick, the poor and the young as inspired by St. Dominic and St. Catherine of Siena.
The following is a succession of some relevant events in the life of the Congregation from the death of the Servant of God Until today.




2003 Dec. 11

2003 Dec. 11

Submitted the sealed package on the Diocesan Inquiry to the Congregation of the Causes of Saints by Sister Ma. Jesusa G. Enginco, OP with Fr. Francesco Ricci, OP, the Secretary of General Postulation of the Order of Preachers.

2003 Dec. 11

2003 Dec. 8

2003 Dec. 8

Transmitted the packed and sealed documents on the  Diocesan Inquiry on the Life, Virtues, and Fame of  Sanctity of the Servant of God to Rome by Sister Ma. Jesusa G. Enginco, OP, the Mother Francisca Commission Chairperson.

2003 Dec. 6

2003 Dec. 6

The formal Closing of the Diocesan Process for the Causes for Beatification and Canonization of Mother  Francisca del Espíritu Santo de Fuentes, Siena College Chapel,  Quezon City, Philippines.

2003 Dec. 6

2003 Mar. 11

2003 Mar. 11

Obtained the “Nihil Obstat” from the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, Vatican City, for the Causes for beatification and canonization of Mother Francisca del Espíritu Santo de Fuentes.



Appointment of Commission Members and Tribunal for the Diocesan Process for the Causes for Beatification and Canonization of Mother Francisca del Espíritu Santo de Fuentes.


2000 Feb. 22

2000 Feb. 22

Year. The process for the Cause for Canonization of Mother Francisca del Espíritu Santo de Fuentes initiated by the Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena with the nomination of Fr. Innocenzo Venchi, OP as Postulator for the said Cause and approved by the Archbishop of Manila, Jaime L. Cardinal Sin.

1997 Dec.

1997 Dec.

The celebration of the 9th General Chapter. The reorganization of the Mother Francisca Commission.

1997 Dec.

1996 July 26

1996 July 26

The Congregation celebrated the Tri-centennial of its  Formal Foundation. The launching of the English edition of the  Breve Relación de la fundación y progreso del Beaterio de Sta. Catalina de esta ciudad de Manila by Fr. Juan de  Santo Domingo, OP, October 28, 1711, edited by Fr. Fidel Villarroel, OP.



The Prayer for Mother Francisca in English with Ecclesiastical Approval was launched and other dialects and languages followed with the approval of the Ordinaries of the Place.


1991 Dec.

1991 Dec.

The celebration of the 8th General Chapter. In this Chapter it was approved to reactivate the work for the Cause for Canonization of Mother Francisca. 

The establishment of the Mother Francisca Commission with its main objectives: to do research on  the life, virtues and fame of sanctity of Mother Francisca and promote her life and virtues.

The research committee was tasked to gather records, documents about Mother Francisca and documenting events, activities, etc. related to Mother Francisca and the Beaterio she founded.

The first members of the Mother Francisca Commission were: Sr. Caridad Braña, OP, as Chair, Sr. Rosalinda Guerrero, OP, and Sr. Ma. Jesusa Enginco, OP, as members.



The incorporation of 5 Sri Lankan Sisters from the Congregation of Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of  Siena, Malta (Europe) to the Congregation of Dominican Sisters of St.Catherine of Siena, Philippines.


1970 May 25

1970 May 25

The Congregation of Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena was Granted the Decree of  Praise as a Religious Institute of Pontifical Right by the  Sacred Congregation for Religious and Secular Institute.

1968 Dec 16 to 1969 Jan. 6

1968 Dec 16 to 1969 Jan. 6

The celebration of a Special General Chapter.The new Constitutions and Directory of the Congregation in English were drawn and approved and took effect on Feb. 2, 1969.

1968 Dec 16 to 1969 Jan. 6

1967 Dec. 30-31

1967 Dec. 30-31

The celebration of the Fourth General Chapter.

1965 June 16

1965 June 16

The Sacred Congregation for Religious made this comprehensive judgment on the Congregation of Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena for the temporal approval of the Constitutions.

1965 June 16

1965 Feb. 2

1965 Feb. 2

Apostolic Nuncio informing Mother N. Pilapil that the Philippine Hierarchy during its annual meeting in Baguio (last week of Jan) has appointed an Episcopal Commission to study the  introduction of the Causes for beatification of two holy Religious namely: Mother Francisca del Espiritu Santo her companion, Mother  Sebastiana de Santa María.

Prayer for Mother Francisca was given ecclesiastical approval.

1964 Aug. 12

1964 Aug. 12

A letter of petition to the Sacred Congregation imploring the grace of recognition for the Congregation as a Congregation of Pontifical Right.

1964 Aug. 12

1964 July 16

1964 July 16

Letter of Fr. Jesús Merino, OP, to Mother Natividad  Pilapil, telling her of the inability to find the remains of Mother Francisca after the attempted excavation of 10 ft. deep, therefore was useless to continue.[1]

1964 June 16

1964 June 16

The first official move to work for the Cause of Beatification of Mother Francisca del Espiritu Santo with the encouragement of the Bishops and the Apostolic Nuncio.[1]

[1] Copia Publica VII, 2070.

1964 June 16

1964 May 7

1964 May 7

After the World War II (1941), the Congregation has expanded throughout the Philippine Archipelago already counting 28 houses spread out in 14 dioceses.

1962 Dec. 8

1962 Dec. 8

The solemn inauguration of the Chapel and Convent of Sta. Catalina, the Motherhouse of the Congregation.

1962 Dec. 8

1961 Dec. 30-31

1961 Dec. 30-31

The celebration of the Third General Chapter.



The Motherhouse and the Generalate were transferred to Quezon City from Legarda, Manila.


1955 Dec. 31

1955 Dec. 31

The celebration of the Second General Chapter.

1951 Feb. 6

1951 Feb. 6

The Novitiate was moved to Baguio with the permission of the Sacred Congregation of Propaganda Fide, an expansion of the Congregation. Other houses were founded.

1951 Feb. 6

1949 Dec. 26

1949 Dec. 26

Celebration of the First General Chapter in the Convent of Sta. Catalina, Legarda.  Elected Prioress General was Mother Josefina Burgos.

1943 Nov. 9

1943 Nov. 9

This date, the zealous and virtuous Terciaries of the Old and glorious “Beaterio” was recognized and officially organized by the Archbishop of Manila, H.E. Msgr. Michael J. O’Doherty in the presence of V.R. Fr. Rufino Santos (who later became the first Filipino Cardinal) and Fr. Bernabe Alonso, OP, the Fiscal of the Archdiocese of Manila, as Congregation of Diocesan Right and lived under the Constitutions of 1832 as approved by the Ordinaries of the Place. The Sacred Congregation for Religious gave its “Nulla Osta” to the Congregation after having heard the opinions of the Ordinaries.

Since there was difficulty in the means of transportation, it was not possible to celebrate the Chapter for the Election of the First Officials of the Congregation.  Because of this, the Archbishop named the following Religious to hold office for 6 years and then proceed to the election of their successors: M. Trinidad Arraiza as Prioress General;  M. Filomena Medalle – 1st Councilor;  M. Mercedes Oliver, Ma. Ana Maria Reyes, Councilors and M. Natividad Pilapil as Councilor and Secretary General

1943 Nov. 9

1942 Dec.

1942 Dec.

The Community occupied the House No. 648 Legarda St. in the City of Manila, paying rentals. In this House the Community resumed their religious life. They operate the College of Sta. Catalina of Manila in another house adjacent to the Convent.

1942 Feb. 21

1942 Feb. 21

The Community left the Education Bldg. because the internados Americans have to occupy the building. They transferred to Nazareth, a religious house owned by the Hijas de Jesús who offered the Sisters shelter for some months.  With the permission of the Archbishop, a novitiate was constituted in the House of Nazareth. During this wartime, houses were founded in Bulacan and Laguna. 

In Nazareth, the Community lived religiously, separately from the Community of the Hijas de Jesús although with a common chapel keeping the three vows, pray the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the entire Rosary daily, observe relative closure since the College of Sta. Catalina was not yet open, the Sisters have to beg from their relatives and friends to help the Community.

1942 Feb. 21

1942 Jan. 2

1942 Jan. 2

The Sisters returned to the Education bldg. of the University of Sto. Tomas at the request of the Provincial of the Holy Rosary, Rev. Fr. Tomás Tascon, OP.

1941 Dec. 28

1941 Dec. 28

Break-out of World War II.  The Beaterio-Colegio in Intramuros was bombed leaving the Beaterio and Colegio in total ruins. The Community dispersed. Some went to University of Santo Tomas, some asked       to stay in their houses, and some at the College of Jesus and Mary in San Juan del Monte.

1941 Dec. 28

1940 Oct. 3

1940 Oct. 3

The death of Mother Catalina Osmeña.  Before her death she ordered the reconstruction of the College in Intramuros made concrete and 3 storey-bldg. out of her inheritance.  (the sisters at this time took simple vows).

Three new houses of the Beaterio established: Calbayog,  Palawan and La Union.

1933 Oct. 15

1933 Oct. 15

To be faithful to the spirit of the Pontifical Decree, the Archbishop of Manila, Msgr. James O’Doherty as the Executor of the Decree immediately instituted an official visit to the Beaterio proceeded to the exploration of the opinion of the same Tertiaries before the Notary Declaring their will to remain and to pertain to the said Beaterio for always and made investigation over the means of subsistence of the same Religious. 

Having judged that no one opposed to the execution of the said Decree believing that they already arrived at the moment to proceed as is.  After listening to the opinion of the Fr. Provincial of the Holy Rosary Province of the Order of Preachers of which the Beaterio was still subject to him up this date, the decree was read by the Chancellor, Simeon Gutierrez to the whole community of the Beaterio de SantaCatalina in the presence of His Excellency Most Rev. Archbishop of Manila and of the Rev. Fr. Vicar Provincial of the Province of the Holy Rosary of the Philippines and signed in Manila.  At the separation from the jurisdiction of the Holy Rosary Province and from the just formed Congregation, some Spanish Sisters opted to join the Beaterio although actually all the religious of the Beaterio were of Filipino nationality.  Mother Catalina Osmeña (the aunt of the late President Sergio Osmeña, Sr.) was named Prioress of the Beaterio.

1933 Oct. 15

1933 March 14

1933 March 14

The Sacred Congregation for Religious by the Decree of this date Prot N. 6743 30 formed one Congregation with said houses under the Ordinary of Manila.  On the same date decreed that the Beaterio de Santa Catalina of Manila asked to be separated and Independent from the said Congregation submitting itself to the jurisdiction of the Archbishop of Manila.



The initiative of forming and uniting a true and one Congregation as planned in 1917 was strongly favored by the Provincial Chapter of the Philippines.


1927 Feb 18

1927 Feb 18

Mother Rosario Pidal Arroyo, OP, Mother Mercedes and  Mother Ana from the Beaterio de Santa Catalina, Manila  came to Molo, Iloilo City to found the new Congregation of the Dominican Sisters of the Most Holy Rosary.



Dominican Order and the Province of the Holy Rosary wanted to concretize the idea of forming and uniting a true and one Congregation of all the existing houses under the jurisdiction of a General Moderator and independent in religious discipline like the other Congregations of the Church and according to Sacred Canons.




The first missionary sisters (Pamplona) arrived in the Philippines and attached themselves to the Beaterio de Sta. Catalina, Intramuros.



Santa Catalina Normal School was granted the permit to confer the academic degree of “Maestra Normal.




Four Sisters from Huesca, Spain arrived in Manila to help In the swift expansion of the missions of the Dominican Fathers of the Province of the Holy Rosary.



Three Filipino Sisters from the Beaterio left for Foochow, Province of Fukien to take charge of the orphanage founded by the Dominican Fathers of the Holy Rosary Province.




Printed the corrected Constitutions and added the Rules of St. Augustine

1779 Nov. 25

1779 Nov. 25

On this date, His Catholic Majesty issued a Royal Cédula approving the conduct of the Fr. Provincial who had opposed the wishes of the Archbishop to visit religious parishes and ministries as if it was just another parish.  From this time on the Beaterio no longer felt the need to fight for its survival.

1779 Nov. 25



Fr. Jeronimo Sanz Ortiz, Fr. Provincial reorganized and updated the Rule and Constitutions of the Beaterio drawn by Fr. Juan de Sto. Domingo which was promulgated on July  26, 1696.

1733 Dec 30

1733 Dec 30

A public deed was signed in the presence of Francisco Maldonado, Public Scribe proving that the Church owned by the Royal College of San Juan de Letran was sold  to the Beaterio for the sum of 5,000 pesos.

1733 Dec 30

1732 Sept 10

1732 Sept 10

Royal Cédula allowing the Beaterio to have a public Church.

1726 Jan 15

1726 Jan 15

Death of Fr. Juan de Santo Domingo, the Spiritual Adviser and Confessor of Mother Francisca and the Beatas.

1726 Jan 15

1716 Feb 17

1716 Feb 17

Royal Cedula containing the royal will in favor of the Beaterio de Sta. Catalina, and declared free from the Jurisdiction of the Archbishop of Manila.

1715 April 30

1715 April 30

Death of Fr. Juan de Sta. María who first placed Mother Francisca and Mother Antonia to live in community  in the house of Maria García.

1715 April 30

1714 January 16

1714 January 16

A sentence was upheld on review of the case on 28th  June 1714 ordering the suppression of the Beaterio.

1711   August 24

1711     August 24

Saintly death of Mother Francisca

1711   August 24

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